Government reports show that most Americans start wearing cl

Release time:2020-07-19 20:45:11 Author:未知

According to a report released on July 14 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most Americans have started to recommend cloth masks to the public since April this year, Reuters reported.

On April 4, local time, the CDC of the United States released a "tutorial" on homemade cloth masks, advising the public to wear cloth masks in public places where social alienation measures are difficult to maintain, especially in major community-based virus transmission areas.

CDC researchers analyzed data from two Internet surveys conducted in April and may, and more than 800 adults reported that they had been outdoors in the past week. Within days after the CDC recommended wearing a cloth mask, 61.9% of people said they wore a cloth mask when they went out, according to the data. In May, the proportion of people wearing cloth masks rose to 76.4%.

According to the CDC of the United States, the largest increase in the number of new people wearing cloth masks in May was non Hispanic white people (from 54.3% to 75.1%), people over the age of 65 (from 36.6% to 79.2%), and residents living in the Midwest (from 43.7% to 73.8%).

The proportion of people who originally wore masks increased from 74.4% to 82.3%, from 70.8% to 77.3% for African Americans, from 70.8% for non whites, blacks, Hispanics or Latinos, from 70.1% to 74.9% for people aged 18-29, 73.9% for people aged 30-39, and 87.0% for residents in the East and North.

Novel coronavirus pneumonia may be controlled within 4 to 8 weeks if all Americans wear masks, CDC director Robert Redfield said on the same day.

In addition, a recent survey by Gallup, a US market research firm, found that only 44% of people "always" wear masks, while women, Democratic supporters and northeast residents wear masks more often in public.